Donations - Make a Gift

Your gift can support our general operations and provide us with flexibility to meet the needs of a changing community, or you may direct your support to our specific program areas.

You may also choose to direct your gift to our endowment funds which build assets for future grantmaking. Endowment fund capital is invested in perpetuity and investment earnings from endowments are used for grantmaking. Please contact our staff at to learn more about building our endowment.

When you download our donation form please indicate your preference. If you would like us to decide, no designation is necessary. The donation form is available on this page. Please include it with your donation, if you decide to send a gift by mail. We will need the information to provide you with our thanks and a charitable tax receipt. Thank you for your support!

Support Our Programs

Education and Employment Training: Employment and training programs such as, BladeRunners, employment assistance services, skills training and entry to education programs and trades and apprenticeship training are all programs supported through our partnership with ACCESS. Your gift enables urban Indigenous people to learn life changing skills that lead to employment.

Expand our Scholarship Awards: Help us recognize and assist secondary and post-secondary urban Indigenous individuals as they build their futures through education. USF would like to expand these awards to more school districts, colleges and universities.

Short Term Assistance: Grants are available to urban Indigenous organizations to relieve poverty among urban Indigenous people by providing short term assistance funding to support community-based programs and projects that move people from poverty to self-sufficiency.

Giving Options

Please call us to discuss one time, annual, monthly and legacy giving options. We accept gifts online by credit card, and by cheque or credit card through the mail. For more complex gifts such as publicly traded securities, insurance, gifts in kind, and fundraising events, please contact our office.

On-line Giving

Urban Spirit Foundation partners with Canada Helps to provide you with access to online-giving services. To designate your support for one of our specific projects or funds, please include your request in the "Message/Instructions" section of Canada Helps. You will receive an email receipt from Canada Helps almost immediately after making your gift and your credit card statement will reflect Canada Helps as the vendor.